Backlog: 23 September, 2018
Hello, my little bakers delights!
Today was the 15,000IDR ($1.50aud) brownie from Meeting Point Cafe in Amed. It’s 35kIDR inside, with ice cream and probably warmed up, which I think would dramatically improve it.
It’s a decent brownie. It’s really not bad. It’s straddling the line between “heavy choc slice/cake” and “brownie” pretty hard though. So, I can’t give it full points for brownie-ness. I’m not going to overly penalise it though, either.
Could be better. Could be heavier & moister.
I will go back another time for hot and fresh and re-review. There is promise, here. But it’s not quite there yet.
NOTE: This brownie is actually from Gusto, a restuarent towards the Eastern end of Amed. They bake bread (great bread!) and these brownies which are available at a lot of cafes around town.
Find them
Meeting Point Cafe