Backlog: 18 November, 2017
Friends of brown town! A new contender has entered the field! I’d like to give a big thanks to Ootong & Lincoln for doing brownie right. Simple. The basics. Heavy chocolate. Moist. So moist. Inoffensive nuts (macadamia, in this case. If you were wondering, almond is also good, followed by peanuts. Walnuts are far too intrusive for my liking.).
To improve it: warm it up slightly. Add whipped cream and/or ice cream. (Ice cream. Always ice cream.)
However, as a base, basic brownie – one of best I’ve had in a long while. It didn’t need any fancy fruit, or cheesecake swirls to lift it up out of mediocrity. It just did brownie right.
Well done, Ootong & Lincoln. Well done.

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Ootong & Lincoln