Backlog: 16 February, 2018
Final brownie update for Malaysia! I’m leaving today for Sorong, West Papua, and I have two reports for you all.
First: the cafe at the top of the Langkawi cable car. it’s fine. Decent chocolate mud cake. It’s fine. Whatever. 10RM. Fine.
Second, Leena Bakery in Chenang. WE HAVE A WINNER. Best brownie in Malaysia! Not the fanciest (KL has very fancy brownies, you may remember from last time), but the best and most brownie-like.
Crisp/dry/crunchy on the outside – while still being chewy, soft and moist on the inside. Topped with rich chocolate frosting/ fudge. The choice of chocolate chips or walnuts. I went with chocolate chips.
I hope you all get a chance to try these… For a mere 5RM! ($1.70AUD)